Scouts can work
towards a number of activity and challenge badges. Here are just a few examples
Silent Movie November 2015
Abermule Scouts
return to the movie set to create a new silent
movie in November 15 based on helpful DIY tips that
don't quite work out. Kenny Everett would have been proud of their efforts, watch it here
or on
Welcome to Scouting
The Troop meetings are on Thursday evenings
between 7:00 pm and 8:45 pm, September to July excluding half term
Scout Uniform
All Scouts are expected to wear full Scout uniform to and from
Troop meetings and activity wear. This not only gives the
children a sense of membership and more freedom, but also
preserves the uniform for important occasions and parades.
The Scout uniform is green Scout shirt, navy trousers, Scout
woggle, and Gold neckerchief. Soft shoes such as trainers should
be worn to troop meetings; navy or black shoes should be worn
for parades, etc. Uniforms can be purchased from Club Sports,
Newtown or the online
Scout Shop.
Aims of Scouting
The Scout Troop's aim is to promote the development of young
people and to enable them to achieve their full potential. This
is accomplished by an enjoyable and fun-filled scheme of
progressive training, based on the Scout Promise and Law. Scout
leaders traditionally use nautical names such as Skipper, Bosun,
Ensign and Coxswain and parents are asked to participate through
a Parent Rota system.
The Troop
The Scout Troop caters for children between 10½ and 14 years
old. The Troop consists of small units (patrols) of six to eight
scouts, led by a Patrol Leader (PL) who shares responsibility
with the adult Leaders for maintaining standards and training of
other members of the patrol.
The Scout leaders are Skipper and Bosun and other
helpers have undertaken designated training in order to run an
imaginative and active programme.
Parents are invited to their child's investiture into the Troop,
during which they make their promise.
The Scout Promise is - On my honour, I promise that I will do my best, to do my duty to
God and to the Queen, to help other people and keep the Scout
The Scout Law is -
A Scout is to be trusted
A Scout is loyal
A Scout is friendly and considerate.
A Scout belongs to the world-wide family of Scouts
A Scout has courage in all difficulties.
A Scout makes good use of his time and is careful of possessions
and property.
A Scout has self-respect and respect for others.
Scout Salute & Sign
The Scout sign is made by holding your right hand at
shoulder height in the position shown on the right. It is
used whenever someone makes or renews their Scout Promise.
The three outstretched fingers represent the three main
parts of the promise and the circle between thumb and little
finger represents the world-wide family of Scouting. The
Scout salute is made by holding your right hand in the same
position, but with your first finger pointing to your right
eyebrow (and your elbow out). It is used when in full
uniform as a formal greeting or sign of respect e.g. when
hoisting/breaking open the union flag.
Scout Handshake
across the world all greet each other with a left-handed
handshake and that it is a sign of trust and friendship but
why did and how did Baden Powell come to decide to use it
when he formed the Scout Movement There is a story that when
Baden Powell was met by one of the Great Chiefs of
the Ashanti, he saluted them and then offered his right hand
out as a sign of friendship, but the Chief transferred his
shield which he held in his left hand to his right which
contained his spear and offered his left hand as a sign of
friendship. When asked why Baden Powell was told that by
offering his left hand which traditionally was used to hold
a shield for protection he was showing his trust to his
enemy or friend for with out the shield for protection he
was open to attack.
The Scout Training Programme
Outdoor activities feature prominently. The highlight for most
Scouts is the Summer Camp and much of the year is devoted to
preparing for this, learning skills such as fire making, first
aid, orienteering, map reading and camp cooking. Activities are
grouped into 6 Programme Zones designed to encourage and support
children as they move through Scouts. Each zone represents a
different development area in a young person's life and provides
a balanced range of activities, these are:
Values and Relationships: This zone provides opportunities to
explore and develop Scouting values, personal attitudes and a
range of beliefs. It is at the heart of all our Scouting
Community Service: This zone helps Scouts explore the community
in which they live, discovering local people, places and
facilities. It also gives them the opportunity to offer help and
Physical Recreation: This zone focuses on activities to improve
fitness, promote personal health and increase awareness of
personal safety through a variety of games.
Skills: This zone provides opportunities for young people to
learn new skills ranging from meteorology to wildlife
conservation to leadership skills.
Global: This zone helps Scouts to discover the similarities and
differences in lifestyle, cultures and environments, both
locally and from around the world.
Outdoor and Adventure: In this, the largest zone, are
all the activities connected with camping and the great outdoors.
It is full of opportunities to learn not just the traditional
Scouting skills associated with hiking and camping, but also
those needed for adventurous activities such as climbing,
caving, canoeing and sailing.
Each scout is encouraged to achieve the Gold Chief Scout's Award
during their time with the troop done by completing 8 challenge
awards. There are also numerous activity badges that can be
Subscriptions /Membership
Subscriptions are collected at the start of each half term.
Membership is paid yearly.
Cheques can be made payable to Abermule Scout Group.
Scouts can expect to go camping from so be prepared and read the