Abermule Scout Group in Montgomeryshire

   Scouts, Cubs and Beavers for boys and girls aged 6 to 14


Outdoor Kit List

 All Scouts will require the following: 


o    Three complete changes of clothing, including warm trousers and old clothes that can get wet.

o    Hat and gloves, sunhat

o    Warm jacket

o    Waterproof jacket / Cagoule

o    Shorts

o    T shirts

o    Towel

o    Thick socks (or lots of thin ones, not trainer socks)

o    Underwear

o    Swimming trunks if swimming activity available


o    Outdoor shoes / walking boots

o    Old trainers that can get wet


o    Warm night clothes/ nightwear

o    Soap

o    Shampoo

o    Toothbrush and paste

o    Personal toiletries

o    Towel for showering

o    No aerosols

Lodge Miscellaneous

o     Old towel for activities

o    Torch with spare batteries

o    Washbag

o    Sleeping bag and Pillow

o    A lunch box and reusable drink bottles

o    Tissues

o    Sunscreen

o    Rucksack

Camping Miscellaneous

o    Tent - 2 or 4 man (Scout group may have tents available to borrow)

o    Rucksack or holdall

o    Plate, Spoon and mug – all labelled with initials

o    Knife, fork and spoon

o    Tea towel

o    Torch with spare batteries

o    Plastic carrier bags or bin bags for wet kit

o    A lunch box and reusable drink bottles

o    Tissues

o    Sleeping bag

o    Carry mat

o    Pillow

o    Sunscreen


No responsibility can be accepted by the Scout leaders for any valuables. Gadgets, electricals and electronics are discouraged as there may be no mobile signal


You must ensure any prescription medication is in date, clearly labelled with the Scouts name and given to Skipper or Bosun with information regarding the frequency it must given.