Abermule Scout Group in Montgomeryshire

   Scouts, Cubs and Beavers for boys and girls aged 6 to 14


What some of our members have said:


Beaver News


AGM - 21st October 2015 at 7pm

Parents are asked to attend to discuss the way forward for the group

Bonfire Night- 5th November at Dolforgan Hall

This year the bonfire will be at Dolforgan Hall (map) in Kerry, on Thursday 5th. Park at Kerry community centre

Remembrance Service - 8th November at 3pm

The annual remembrance service is on Sunday and scouts, cubs and beavers are invited to attend.

AGM 22nd October 2014

Parents are asked to attend the AGM at 6:30pm to discuss the forthcoming year

Beavers Report 2011 - 2012

We have had a very enjoyable year where we have completed many challenge and activity badges including explore, adventure, imagination, and healthy eating.
On a very wet evening in June we hosted the annual beaver football tournament and were delighted to win the A and B team sections. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the evening in which the games were played in great spirits with lots of encouragement from the many parents on the sidelines. Many thanks to Neil, and Mark for all their hard work, the beavers really appreciate it.

In October we participated in the 80th Anniversary Relays Competition at the Flash in Welshpool.
We paid a return visit to Red Ridge Activity Centre to complete the adventure badge and this time we were very lucky with the weather!      

In the Spring Term the beavers had an opportunity to complete swimming badges when we hired Maldwyn pool for the evening.

We also spent a fantastic day with Montgomery Forest School in the local woods, where we built shelters, played games, and even toasted marshmallows on the camp fire!
Water and family nights were also a great success.

The following beavers gained their bronze awards: Ryan. Conor, Jonathon and Iwan.
 Finally I would like to say a big thank you to  Rachel, Ffion and all the parents for their help and support throughout the year.

Animal Man, Forest Fun, Red Ridge and Training

The beaver and cubs invited the animal man to come and show them his snakes, reptiles and insects. Each year the Beavers take part in a day in the forest where they learnt key skills like building a bivouac and lighting fires.  This year they also had the chance to go to Red Ridge out door activity centre where they had a go at the climbing wall, caving and the zip wire. The end of the year involves a football tournament involving Beaver colonies from around the area and the beavers have been training hard for the event. Click on each picture for a slideshow.


Beavers Report 2010 - 2011

Abermule beavers are still a busy strong colony with list of boys and girls waiting to join. At present we have 23 boys and 1 girl in our colony from many of the surrounding villages. Click on pictures for slideshows

We have had a very enjoyable year where we have completed many challenge and activity badges including adventure, fitness, air activities and healthy eating. Beavers grew sun flowers as part of their experiment badge.

In June we hosted the annual beaver football tournament and were delighted to win the A and B team sections. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the evening in which the games were played in great spirits with lots of encouragement from the many parents on the sidelines. Many thanks to Neil, and Mark for all their hard work, the beavers really appreciate it.

One of the highlights of our year was a visit from Team Chain Reaction Cycles Elite Downhill riders Joe Smith and Matt Simmonds, who brought along bikes, kit and videos for us to see. They were brilliant with the beavers answering all their questions and allowing them to have a go on bikes and try on kit.
We also spent a fantastic day with Montgomery Forest School in the local woods, where we built shelters, played games, tried tracking and even made camp fires! It was a great experience which we will definitely be repeating in the future.


In June we visited Lake Vyrnwy where we presented the RSPB bird boxes to place on the reserve. The weather wasn’t very good but we had a great day and everybody earned their explorer badges.
We celebrated Christmas, Chinese New Year and the Royal Wedding with the cubs. Water and family nights were also a great success.

Our congratulations go to Steffan, Oliver, Jacob and Tomos who gained their Bronze Award this year.


Finally I would like to thank Louise our Assistant Beaver Leader for all her help and congratulate her on the birth of her new daughter. I am very grateful to Rachael for stepping in to cover for Louise. She has been a great help. Also I would like to say a big thank you to Ffion and all the parents for their help and support throughout the year.


Complete the following:

1 Safety Know the safety rules and where it is safe to swim locally.

2 Enter pool Without using the steps, demonstrate a controlled entry into at least 1.5 metres of water.

3 Short swim Swim ten metres on your front.

4 Tread water Tread water for 30 seconds in a vertical position.

5 Water skills Using a buoyancy aid, float still in the water for 30 seconds. Demonstrate your ability to retrieve an object from chest deep water. Perform a push and glide on both your front and back.

6 Distance swim Swim 25 metres without stopping.

7 Swimming activity Take part in an organised swimming activity.

Swimmer 2

Complete the following:

1 Safety Know the safety rules and where it is safe to swim locally.

2 Enter pool Demonstrate a controlled entry or dive from the side of the pool, into at least 1.5 metres of water.

3 Short swim Swim ten metres on your front, ten metres on your back, and ten metres on your back using only your legs.

4 Tread water Tread water for three minutes in a vertical position.

5 Water skills Surface dive into at least 1.5 metres of water and touch the bottom with both hands. Mushroom float for ten seconds. Enter the pool and push off from the side on your front and glide for five metres. From the side of the pool, push off on your back and glide for as far as possible.

6 Distance swim Swim 100 metres without stopping.

7 Swimming activity Take part in an organised swimming activity.

6 Distance swimming Swim 400 metres without stopping.

7 Swimming activity Take part in an organised swimming activity, since gaining your previous swimming badge.

6 Distance swim Swim 800 metres without stopping. you should swim 400m on your front and 400m on your back.

7 Swimming activity Take part in an organised swimming activity, since gaining your previous swimming badge.

5 Water skills Scull on your back, head first for ten metres then feet first for ten metres. Move into a tuck position and keeping your head out of the water, turn 360 degrees. Swim ten metres, perform a somersault without touching the side of the pool and continue to swim in the same direction for a further ten metres. Demonstrate the Heat Escape Lessening Posture. Demonstrate a surface dive, both head and feet first into 1.5 metres of water.

6 Distance swimming Swim 1000 metres using any three recognised strokes for a minimum distance of 200 metres per stroke. This swim must be completed in 35 minutes.

7 Swimming activity Take part in an organised swimming activity, since gaining your previous swimming badge.


Scout News
Scout Rota

Cub Scouts
Cub News
Cub Rota

Beaver Scouts
Beaver News
Beaver Rota

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Address: Abermule Community Centre         Email:enquiries@abermulescoutgroup.org.uk