Beavers Scouts
Welcome to Beaver Scouting
Beaver Scouting provides the first opportunity for children
to join the exciting world of scouting. At Abermule, the
colony meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm to 8:00pm
during term time.
Beaver Scout Uniform
The Beaver Scout uniform is a Beaver Scout T-shirt and
sweatshirt. The gold scarf and woggle will be provided when
beavers are invested..
Uniforms can be purchased from Club Sports, Newtown or the
online Scout Shop.
Second-hand uniforms may also be available to purchase from
the Beaver leader, please ask.
Beaver Colony
Beavers Scouts are children between the ages of six and eight
years. They meet together as a colony and for some activities
are divided into smaller groups called "Lodges". Beaver Scouts enjoy an informal and flexible programme
providing the children with all kinds of activities to HAVE
Beaver Investiture
When a new child comes along to join the Colony, he/she will
take part in meetings for one half-term before taking their
Beaver Scout Promise. They will be presented with their World
Membership Badge, district badges and group scarf.
Parents/carer's are invited to the ceremony.
The Beaver Scout Promise is I promise to do my best to be
kind and helpful and love God.
The Beaver Scout Motto is FUN AND FRIENDS
Dropping off and collecting
At meetings Parents/Carer's are expected to leave and collect
their children from INSIDE the Scout Hall. Children must not
be allowed to come into or leave the hall on their own.
Parents/Carer's Help at Meetings
We operate a Parents/Carer's duty rota which is handed out at
the start of each term.
As well as enjoying a fun packed programme, a Beaver may also
gain the Chief Scout's Bronze award, which is gained after
completing all challenge badges. There are also several
activity badges. Please ask a leader for more details of
these badges.
Subscriptions /Membership
Subscriptions are collected at the start of each half term.
Membership is paid yearly.
Cheques can be made payable to Abermule Scout Group.
Address: Abermule Community Centre: Beaver
Leader Email: