Abermule Scout Group in Montgomeryshire

   Scouts, Cubs and Beavers for boys and girls aged 6 to 14


Abermule (Welsh: Abermiwl) is a village in Powys, mid Wales, located on the River Severn. The Montgomeryshire canal runs through Abermule, the canal is very close to the river.




Mid Wales


About Us

Expand map of Abermule

Meeting Place and Leaders

Meeting Place

Beavers and Cubs meet at the Abermule Community Centre on Wednesdays from 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Scouts meet at the Abermule Community Centre on Thursdays from 7:00pm to 9:00pm

The address is Abermule Community Centre, Abermule, Montgomeryshire, SY15 6ND


Scouts, Cubs and Beavers have their own leaders who are dedicated to providing a balanced programme of activities for the children. Leaders typically work in pairs and parents are invited to help. They have been authorised by the Scout Association and receive support and training from them. CRB checks are also carried out on all leaders and helpers.


The Abermule Scout Group was formed in 1953 and celebrates its Diamond Jubilee this year with a reunion party to take place at the Community centre on Sunday the 6th October 2013.


Useful information

The Welsh Scout Council supports the development of Scouting in Wales. Each week, over 12,000 young people in Wales enjoy the adventure of Scouting, supported by over 3000 adult volunteers.





Scout News
Scout Rota

Cub Scouts
Cub News
Cub Rota

Beaver Scouts
Beaver News
Beaver Rota

About Us
Marquee hire

Address: Abermule Community Centre         Email:enquiries@abermulescoutgroup.org.uk