Abermule Scout Group in Montgomeryshire

   Scouts, Cubs and Beavers for boys and girls aged 6 to 14



Meetings and events for the diary 


Bonfire Night- 5th November at Dolforgan Hall

Update 12 noon on 5th. - Forecast is OK for this evening, so we plan to go ahead

This year the bonfire will be at Dolforgan Hall (map) in Kerry, on Thursday 5th. Park at Kerry community centre

Bring waterproof coat and wellies and torches. Park at Kerry community centre opposite church.


For Scout, Cub and Beaver Events click on their respective badges


Bonfire Night - 5th November 2014

Wednesday night at The Forest in Kerry. Volunteers needed to help build the bonfire on Sunday 2nd Nov 10am

Remembrance Sunday - 9th November 2014

The Remembrance service will be at 3pm on Sunday, please come in uniform

PGL Weekend - 17th - 19th October 2014

A weekend of activities with 2 nights accommodation at Boreaton Park, Shrewsbury Click for Kit List

AGM Meeting 22nd October 2014

Parents are invited to attended the AGM to discuss the coming year. The AGM coveres leadership of the groups, plans for the coming year, finances and fund raising events. The minutes follow

Diamond Jubilee Party 6th October 2013

The Abermule Scout Group celebrated its Diamond Jubilee this year and held a reunion party on Sunday the 6th October 2013 . The event was a great success with all sorts of fun activities and a hog roast.


Remembrance Sunday 10th November 2013

Scouts, Cubs, Beavers and Brownies are invited to attended the remembrance service to pay their respects to the fallen heroes of the two world wars and recent conflicts.


Opening Address AGM 2012

The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked everyone for attending.

The chairman introduced the Panel of Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Mr Owen. He also introduced the leader of Beavers, Cubs and scouts and their assistant leaders and thanked them for their efforts and time over the last year. The parents were also thanked for their support and help over the last year. Mr Gareth Owen was once again thanked for erecting, dismantling the Marquee over the summer months with his band of helpers to raise money for the scouting group.

Lastly the chairman welcomed and introduced the District commissioner Kim Negri.

1. Apologies

Ann Griffiths, Sarah Cullen-Jones, Rachel Davies, Sarah Smith, Jane Wilde, Denzil and Ffion Evans, Arthur Colerick.

2. Minutes of the last meeting.

The minutes were read and agreed as being a fair and accurate representation and were signed by the chairman.

3. Election of officers

Chair person- Andy Kirk agreed to stand for another year – proposed Linda Smith, 2nd Sian Griffiths

Secretary –Penny Evans agreed to stand for another year –proposed Paul Martin 2nd Sian Griffiths.

Treasurer-Steve Brooks agreed to stand for another year –Proposed Dave Hill 2nd Sian Griffiths.

4. Reports.

a. Treasurer statement was read and explained by Steve Brooks and is attached.

b. Beaver was read by Linda smith and is attached.

C. cubs was read by Sian Griffiths and is attached.

d. Scouts were read by Dave Hill and are attached..

Kim also stressed the many area activities available.

5. Funds

It was decided to hold the fees and subs as the same as last year as the funds are on a sound footing.

6. CRB

The chairman encouraged the parents to have a CRB. An evening to be arranged at a later date.

7. Notification of Absence and Change of helper.

It was stressed that leaders need to be notified of their absence and the name of their replacement on the duty rota.

8. Uniform.

It was given as a reminder that children should ensure to wear the scouting uniform at all times.

9. Parental feedback or comments

The parents stated that the scouts had thou rally enjoyed the Karting and camping.

All the leaders and assistants were thanked for their hard work as volunteers.

10. Web

Paul outlined the website and said it could be viewed after the meeting on the laptop.

11. Fundraising committee

A plea was made for anyone to come forward to help in any way with fundraising

12. Abermule Scout Jubilee

The group will be 50 years old next year and it was hoped to hold a celebration in June/July 2013 in CC grounds. It was encouraged that help would be needed. Cubs would also be designing a badge for their scarves.

13 AOB

The chairman brought to the attention of the parents the possibility of a time change of:

Beavers 6 – 7.30

Scouts  7 – 8.30

Cubs to stay the same. It was agreed that letters be sent to all parents for feedback.

Everyone was reminded that Remembrance was on the 11th of November at the community centre at 3pm, full uniform.

Suggestions for next years AGM could be passed on to any of the leaders.

The chairman thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 7.34.

Signed:                                                                                                      Date:


Scout News
Scout Rota

Cub Scouts
Cub News
Cub Rota

Beaver Scouts
Beaver News
Beaver Rota

About Us
Marquee hire

Address: Abermule Community Centre         Email:enquiries@abermulescoutgroup.org.uk